Supplementary Memorandum of Agreement between the North British Railway Company and The Broxburn Oil Co. Ltd.

code: 143414

Collection code:
File type:
BP - Other property-related documents


Supplementary Memorandum of Agreement between the North British Railway Company and The Broxburn Oil Company Ltd. dated 23 September and 18 October 1886 and signed by William Weir and William Kennedy, Directors The Broxburn Oil Company, and George Robertson and Henry Grierson, Directors North British Railway Company for the construction of a Branch Railway from their Edinburgh and Bathgate line at Drumshoreland Station to the Broxburn Oil Works with a Depot at Broxburn. There is attached a Plan prepared by the North British Railway Company titled "Plan and Sectiion of proposed Branch from Drumshoreland Station to Broxburn Oil Works". The plan is produced by their Engineering Office Edinburgh and dated 23rd Septmber 1886 but is not numbered. The plan is annotated "This is the plan referred to in the foregoing Supplementary Memorandum of Agreement between The North British Railway Company and The Broxburn Oil Company Limited and its subscribers of even date herewith signed on 23rd September and 8th October 1886 and is signed by William Weir and William Kennedy, Directors The Broxburn Oil Company, and George Robertson and Henry Grierson, Directors North British Railway Company. The Section shows levels in chains with roads streams and walls coloured Red or Blue. The Plan shows the route of the proposed line between the Terminal Branch at Broxburn and the Commencement of the Branch at Drumshoreland outlined in Red with the route show in chains/miles and the radius in chains. There are 3 Scales shown on the Plan; (1) Scale for Verticals of Section 0 - 150 feet. (2) Scale for Horizontals of Section in Links and Chains 0 - 20 and (3) Scale for Plan in Chains 0 - 20.

  • Map